The Lost Common Sense

by Wong Kar Wei

When the phrase ‘common sense’ is being mentioned, what goes through your mind? An understanding that we are supposed to follow? Something that we are supposed to do in certain situation?

But when common sense is not a common practice yet, what makes common sense a common sense after all?!

Let’s take a slightly deeper look into this.

Common sense comes from a ‘Perception’ in our mind that gives us an indication of what our action or thought should be. From this PERCEPTION in our mind,  it will lead to how are we going to ACCEPT the fact that encourages us to make a CHOICE of whether what the next course of action will be.

From a CHOICE that we’ve made, common sense is then established.

For some of us who don’t even have a ‘common sense’ on what we should achieve in life, or where we should head to in life, we will be categorised as ‘LOST’, which means (LIFE OF SOMEONE TERRIBLE). When someone reaches this condition, they will somehow feel that life is full of obstacles, full of uncertainties, full of hardship, full of difficulties, full of sadness, full of negative things, lack of confidence, feel that they can’t do this and that, unfit for any activities, and guess what is the result will be?………Yes, LOST!

Let me share a story with you, and this story starts with Mr. J who has been a friend for almost 15 years now, starting from our crazy days. He has been living with his career of spreading knowledge to individuals who would like to seek knowledge in his particular field, music.

Image from:

Now and then we would just catch up for a cup of tea and chill out. The stories that came from Mr. J since day 1 until today, has been the same repetitive thing , which sums up into one word – ‘COMPLAINTS’. Each and everything that Mr. J said and mentioned has the element of complaints in it. Complaints about work, market, crowd, students, economy, etc etc, well…..basically, everything.

Advise has been given to Mr. J for him to get something else to do, find some other things to explore, and what are the answer from Mr. J? “Yes, I shall do it tomorrow” and apparently, that tomorrow has not happened and tomorrow never came to him until this very day.

Now this Mr. J has already reached the condition of LOST….and I guess no one would like to end up like that, right?

Nothing else matters to Mr. J, and nothing much can be done to help him because everything comes from within – from attitude, discipline, determination, desire, perception, just basically everything; has to start from within. A good cultivation beginning internally is essential to help Mr. J.

Don’t let the example of Mr. J ruin our lives.

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Posted on December 14, 2015, in Articles and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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